Meet Vitruvio, the new kid on the Desa Parkcity Block.

Vitruvio Gym exterior
If you’re looking for small class training that ‘HIIT’s where it hurts, for 40 short but torturous minutes, this is your guy.
What’s Special about Vitruvio?
This gym is uniquely broken down into 10 individual spaces, close together enough that the coach is able to keep an eye on every person, but far apart enough that everyone has their own space with equipment within easy reach.
Young and KC, the energetic founders saw a gap for small group training and movement workouts and met it with their vision of a spatial arrangement that accommodates both needs in a very niche manner.

Vitruvio’s equipment arrangement
“Your space, your pace,” is the mantra when it comes to Vitrivio’s workout regime.
Akin to your own work or study desk, where you have everything at convenient reach, Vitruvio’s set up is such that each individual person’s equipment is right in front of them. You don’t need to get in any one’s way when you have to grab weights for your next movement.

Vitruvio Gym equipment arranged to cater for each individual person
Max head count per class is 10 people so the coach can keep a decent eye on your form as you are executing the movements.
Vitruvio’s Workout Type
The backbone of Vitruvio’s workouts are HIIT exercises.

Vitruvio class in session
Designed by Young and KC, the routines focus mainly on whole body workouts and full body training instead of isolated movements, which is great because big movements are usually the most effective way to burn calories.
There are 3 levels of difficulty for each workout. Beginner, intermediate and advanced.
And you can choose to progress or regress the movement at any point of the workout as you see fit.
The cool thing here is everyone has their own set of gymnastic rings and TRX bands that you can adjust to your height for the length of your workout.

Vitrovio’s gymnastic rings and TRX bands
How it works is there are four workout sets and each set needs to be repeated three times. You start off each set after hearing the quick breakdown of the movement by the instructor.
They are pretty easy to follow and once the countdown starts, off you go to the infectious powerful beat of energy-filled music, which I must admit I was a fan of.
I find that these workouts are extremely suitable for beginners and intermediates because the workouts are uncomplicated, not intimidating, and you can scale up or down according to your abilities.
The whole session was non-stop movement. Your heart rate is kept high up for the whole 40 mins, with tiny 10 second breaks between movements.
I found the exercises where you had to suspend your legs with the TRX pretty taxing on your core, all the better for building those abs!

TRX core exercises
By the end of it, I was drenched with sweat albeit the powerful air conditioning.
We finished the session with surprise burpees, where you do a burpee when you hear a beep, and the beeps get close and closer together in terms of frequency and at the end of it, you’re dying, trying to perform continuous burpees, non-stop.
I seriously wanted to plop down on my stomach and give up on the impossible pace. Which tells you, that those workouts were pretty intensive!
Routines change weekly, so you can take your time mastering the move. Towards the end of the week, you’ll find yourself improving on the movements and able to scale up to the next difficulty level.
Vitruvio’s Facilities
Vitruvio’s black and gold theme is hard to miss.
When you step in, it’s interior is brightly lit, to signify Vitruvio’s standing of promoting good movements and quality coaching to reduce risk of workout-induced injuries.
When you’re done with the 40-minute class but want more time working alone with weights or stretching to improve flexibility, there is actually a fully equipped gym on site as well, so you can have the best of both worlds.

Vitruvio’s free use gym
Other than that, Vitruvio has well-equipped facilities. Hot towels for when you step in, clean bathrooms and combination-code lockers. I would say that it does more than adequate.

Bathroom stalls

Vitruvio Gym lockers
Vitruvio’s Pricing
Placing Vitruvio’s pricing list here for you all to see.

Vitruvio Gym’s Group Training Pricing

Vitruvio Gym’s Personal Training Pricing
The special thing here is that you can buy in bulk for multiple people. So let’s say you buy the 40 classes package, you can actually have your friends and family come in with you on your credits without extra arrangement.
So if you’re considering Vitruvio, purchase this with friends or family in package form, then it’ll be much more worth it.
To end, this is what I really liked from Vitruvio: Nice full body movement exercises, high intensity cardio-based workout coupled with weights for strength, the ability to get a solid workout in a compressed amount of time, and the delightful facilities.
For more information, here’s Vitruvio’s Facebook page and here’s where to find all their packages and schedules.
Don’t like gyms? Check out these Top 17 Fun Indoor Activities to Get Fit in KL Instead of Hitting the Gym!
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